Familiarize yourself with the area you’re going to, so you have a better idea on how to dress and what clothes to bring.
Wear your clothes in multiple layers. The process is called using a 'Layering System'
This way, you are protected from extreme temperatures and you can peel off whatever article of clothing you want as you go along your way.
Use loose-fitting shirts and pants when you go hiking. Choose pants with snug and secure cuffs to protect yourself from insects or small animals you may encounter. 

Be sure to wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your eyes, face and neck.

Bring sturdy waterproof raingear, just in case you run into bad weather. *** I cannot stress this enough! Nothing gets bad blood boiling like a wet camper. 

Protect your feet by bringing extra pairs of socks, as damp socks result to blistering when you walk for a long period of time.

Invest in sturdy, high-quality hiking boots to protect your feet, and to ensure that your feet are as comfortable as possible even after a long hike.